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There are many products that claim to make pregnancy easier. Take a look at these top five pregnancy as chosen by HARTMANN Direct. Which ones will you try?
#1 Body Pillow
The V-pillow is a great addition
to the boudoir, whether you are pregnant or not. This style of pillow also
helps to support your back and neck when sitting and relaxing in bed, as well
as being useful when feeding and cradling your new-born.
But sleeping can be a real issue
for some pregnant women, especially in late pregnancy. The body pillow is a fantastic
invention for helping you get a comfortable night’s sleep, when sleeping on
your side. This is great news if you normally sleep on your stomach or on your
back, two things that are nigh-on impossible when you are heavily pregnant.
A good buy, and one that is
useful beyond pregnancy - we used ours when Ethan was born to prop him up and it would be great for breastfeeding support too.
#2 Pregnancy Incontinence Pads
Not the most romantic of
pregnancy buys but, for some pregnant women, incontinence during and after
birth can be a real concern.
The surge in pregnancy hormones
can cause the bladder to become super-active, catching you off guard with a
sudden and urgent need to urinate. Clearly, you don’t want to be
running and tripping over things on the way to the bathroom. If you have a
sudden urge to urinate and are worried about ‘embarrassing leaks’, pregnancy
incontinence pads are a wise investment.
The slimline pads are available
in a range of absorbencies, making them ideal for use during pregnancy and
after birth too. Getting your pelvic floor in good shape before pregnancy with
pelvic floor exercises also helps to keep control over your bladder but many
pregnant women find that the few pounds the pads cost money well spent for
giving them peace of mind.
#3 Pregnancy Vitamins
Getting the right levels of
vitamins and minerals is essential for you and your developing baby. But not all pregnancy vitamin kits are equal and so it pays to do your research.
Before pregnancy and during the
first three months you want to up your folic acid intake. Folic acid in a
developing foetus is important for the brain development and central nervous
system. After this time, the levels of folic acid can drop back to the
recommended levels.
Thus, taking a separate folic
acid supplement is a good idea. You may then want to take a vitamin and mineral
products specifically for pregnant women for the remainder of your pregnancy.
If you are eating well, with a
varied and healthy diet you may not feel the need, so check with your midwife.
Women who have or who are suffering from morning sickness and finding eating
difficult can really benefit from minerals and vitamins product.
Always check with your midwife or
doctor before taking any medication, herbal or otherwise as high or increasing
levels of some vitamins and minerals are not recommended during pregnancy.
#4 Chewable, Pocket-Sized Heartburn Remedies
Our bodies respond to each
pregnancy in different ways. Some women suffer from ongoing heartburn, whilst
other women find their nights filled with vivid dreams. Some pregnant women
suffer pain and discomfort, but there are also women who seem to breeze through
pregnancy, apart from the odd sleepless night.
Heartburn is, however, very
common when pregnant (it was for me, particularly towards the end). A combination of morning sickness in the early months,
coupled with surging hormones, cravings for certain foods and growing weight
and pressure squeezing our internal organs, including the stomach and
As well as a good quality
heartburn remedy suitable for use during pregnancy (check the label) there are
other ways to help lessen heart burn:
- Avoid spicy foods and heavily flavoured drinks that may be adding to your discomfort
- Many pregnant women find that eating little, but often is kinder on their digestive system than sticking with three meals a day
- Plain biscuits can also be helpful to maintain stomach acid, preventing reflux – choose a plain tea or arrow root biscuit
#5 Pregnancy-Friendly Yoga Wear
Exercise during pregnancy is
important. Many women choose yoga as the perfect means of keeping fit and
toned, but doing so without damaging themselves or their baby.
But, when it comes to any form of
exercise, there is usually one problem – active wear that will accommodate a
growing bump. Fortunately, designers have caught on and are now creating a
fantastic range of active wear, suitable for all stages of pregnancy.
yoga is becoming the exercise
activity for women. Gentle and toning, it also helps the abdominal and pelvic
floor muscles to be toned and strengthened ready for the birth. It also helps
with a calm state of mind.
Which of these top five products did you / will you try?
HARTMANN Direct are a well-known online supplier of quality
continence products, suitable for use during pregnancy.
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