I, like most savvy mamas, like a good bargain and I'm always looking out for the best deals, voucher codes, free delivery offers or when big sales start. I can also be a bit of an eBay addict. That's why when I saw the following 'buying guide calendar', I wanted to share it makes a good reference guide as to when you can pick up different items at the best prices.
Having previously worked in retail, and being a regular shopper at many shops so much so that I've started to notice their sales patterns, I know that stock is rotated according to demand and the seasons always push certain products forward - and the bargains start to come out.
I've shared the infographic here in case you too want to know when you can probably snap up that next big purchase at the best price... I know many people who have used something like this to get their Christmas shopping done way in advance at a fraction of the cost, so it's great for family budgeting...

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